5303037311 | Law Office Of Troy M. Ortiz | Truckee | +1 (530) 303-7311

Home / 5303037311 | Law Office Of Troy M. Ortiz | Truckee | +1 (530) 303-7311

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Law Office of Troy M. Ortiz


The Law Office of Troy M. Ortiz provides comprehensive legal services in matters involving real estate law, business law, employment law, and intellectual property law. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns. Whether you’re a landlord, tenant, developer, investor, or small business owner, we will not only protect what you create but will help you to take control of your business. Headquartered in Truckee, California, the Law Office of Troy M. Ortiz represents clients throughout the western United States, including but not limited Bay Area, San Francisco, Sacramento, Tahoe, Grass Valley, Auburn, and Reno, Nevada.








Truckee Airport Rd Suite 301-A 40165



Troy Ortiz




+1 (530) 303-7311




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