Are Prison Visits About to Go Mobile?

Are Prison Visits About to Go MobileSoon, visiting family and friends behind bars may not require a trip to the prison facility.

Off-site digital video meetings are poised to become the norm for many inmates who will be able to connect with off-site individuals via on-site video system.

In the future, even mobile options could also be available.

For now, the speed at which digital video conferencing is growing at prison facilities is remarkable.

According to published reports ahead of the weekend, visitors at the Porter County jail in Northwest Indiana now communicate with inmates via an on-site video system.

The new system, however, will expand to off-site video visits. “It’s an enhancement, not a change,” Porter County Sheriff Dave Lain explained.

The option, however, is coming with a price tag of $20 per 20-minute visit, according to Jeremy Rohr, sales engineer with Securus Technologies of Dallas… Once up and running, which should come in about four to six months, users will be required to register with the company’s website and secure approval from the sheriff’s department.

Rohr said in a local news report that this approach “is popular among those who don’t live near the jail.”