personal branding Archives - DigitalMarketer Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:52:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 personal branding Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 How Tagging Strategies Transform Marketing Campaigns Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:52:42 +0000 Interested in how brands use a tagging strategy? Find out how tagging strategies can make a difference in helping your brand's marketing campaigns stand out.

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As a marketer, I understand how today’s marketing campaigns face fierce competition. With so much content and ads competing for eyeballs, creating campaigns that stand out is no easy task. 

That’s where strategies like tagging come in. 

It helps you categorize and optimize your marketing efforts. It also helps your campaigns cut through the noise and reach the right audience.

To help you out, I’ve compiled nine ways brands use a tagging strategy to create an impactful marketing campaign. 

Let’s get to it. 

How Brands Use a Tagging Strategy

Tagging involves using keywords or labels to categorize and organize content, products, or customer data. You attach tags to specific items or information to make searching, sorting, and analyzing data easier. 

There are various types of tags, including meta tags, analytics tags, image tags, hashtags, blog tags, and more. 

So, how do brands use a tagging strategy to make their marketing campaigns stand out?

Improve Social Media Engagement

With over 5 billion users, social media provides an easy way to connect with your audience, build relationships, and promote your offerings.

Use a tagging strategy to boost social media interactions. Consistently use hashtags that align with current trends and topics. This encourages people to interact with your content and boosts content visibility.

You can also use tags to monitor brand mentions of your products or your industry. This allows you to engage with your audience promptly.

Consider virtual social media assistants to streamline your tagging strategy. These AI-driven tools can suggest relevant hashtags, track mentions, and automate responses. Implementing them can save time and resources while ensuring consistent engagement across your socials.

Build a Personal Brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform, with over 1 billion members across 200 nations. It offers excellent opportunities for individuals and businesses to build and nurture their brands.

However, simply creating a professional profile isn’t enough to build a personal brand on LinkedIn

Use various tags to increase your visibility, establish thought leadership, showcase expertise, and attract the right connections. For instance, use skill tags to showcase your expertise and industry tags to attract connections and opportunities within your industry. Use certification tags to help showcase your expertise and credibility to potential employers or clients. 

Facilitate Customer Segmentation and Personalization

Personalization matters—more so in today’s data-driven world. In fact, 65% of consumers expect your brand to adapt to their changing preferences and needs.

To meet this expectation, consider using a tagging strategy.

Segment your customers based on shared characteristics, such as demographics, interests, purchase history, cart abandonment, and behavior.

Here’s a summary of the steps to customer segmentation.

With your customer segments ready, use tags to tailor your marketing messages and offerings to specific segments. Imagine sending targeted email campaigns based on what your customers need. That’s the power of segmentation and tagging in action!

Enhance SEO and Content Discoverability

Tagging content can have a profound impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and content discoverability. When users search for specific topics or products, well-tagged content is more likely to appear in search results, driving organic traffic to your website. 

Additionally, tags can help you analyze the most popular topics with your readers. Then, the results of this analysis can help you adjust your content strategies accordingly.

And get this— certain AI tools can help analyze your content and suggest relevant tags and keywords. Using these tools in addition to a tagging strategy can help optimize your SEO strategies and boost content discoverability.

Partner with the Right Influencers

Influencer marketing has become a go-to marketing approach for modern brands. Recent stats show that 85% of marketers and business owners believe influencer marketing is an effective marketing strategy. 

But how do you find the perfect influencer for your campaign? 

Utilize tags to identify influencers who are relevant to your niche. Beyond this, find influencers who align with your brand values and target audience.

Additionally, look for influencers who use hashtags that are relevant to your campaigns. For instance, fashion influencer Chiara Ferragni uses #adv (advertising) and #ghd (good hair day) hashtags in this campaign.

Monitor industry-specific hashtags and mentions to discover influential voices and build profitable relationships with them. 

Track Hashtag Performance

Tracking your hashtag performance helps you understand your campaigns’ engagement, reach, and effectiveness.

To achieve this goal, assign special hashtags to each marketing project. This helps you see which hashtags generate the most engagement and reach, enabling you to refine your tagging strategy. 

Here’s an example of a hashtag performance report for the #SuperBowl2024.

This curated list of hashtag generators by Attrock discusses the top tools for your consideration. You can analyze each and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Categorize Content Accordingly 

The human attention span is shrinking. The last thing you want is for your audience to have difficulty in finding or navigating your content, get frustrated, and bounce.

Untagged content can be difficult to navigate and manage. As any marketer knows, content is important in digital marketing campaigns. 

To categorize your content, identify the main categories by topics, themes, campaigns, target audiences, or product lines. Then, assign relevant tags based on the categories you’ve identified. After that, implement a consistent tagging strategy for existing and new content. 

Organizing your content using tags can also help streamline your content management workflow. Most importantly, readers can easily find the content they’re looking for, thereby boosting overall user experience, engagement, and conversions.

Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing remains a powerful marketing tool in today’s digital world. It’s also another area where brands use a tagging strategy to directly reach their target audience.

Use tags to segment your email list and personalize your marketing messages. Then, you can send targeted emails based on factors like purchase history, interests, and demographics. 

Personalization can significantly improve open rates, CTRs, and overall engagement and conversion rates. It’s a simple yet impactful strategy to make your email marketing strategy more effective.  

Plus, you can use tags to track how well your emails perform with each group. This helps you understand what content resonates best with your audience and provides insight on how to improve your emails going forward.

Enhance Analytics and Reporting

Every marketer appreciates the immense value of data. For brands using tagging strategies, tags are powerful tools for gathering valuable data. 

Analyze how users interact with your tagged content. See which tags generate the most clicks, shares, conversions, and other forms of engagement. Gain insight into audience preferences and campaign effectiveness.

This granular data about your marketing efforts allow you to make data-driven decisions, allocate resources effectively, and refine your marketing strategies.

Final Thoughts 

There isn’t a single correct way for brands to use a tagging strategy in marketing. You can use a tagging strategy however you see fit. However, the bottom line is that this strategy offers you a simple yet powerful way to create attention-grabbing and unique marketing campaigns. 

Fortunately, tagging strategies are useful across various marketing initiatives, from social media and email marketing to SEO and more. 

So, if you’re ready to elevate your marketing campaign, build a strong brand presence, and stand out among the competition, consider employing effective tagging strategies today.

The post How Tagging Strategies Transform Marketing Campaigns appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Striking the Right Balance Between Business Branding vs. Personal Branding Mon, 02 Oct 2023 18:51:35 +0000 In the social business world, your name can be leveraged as your personal identifier across myriad social media sites as well as your monetized business brand.

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Businesses come and go. But your personal name, that’s another matter altogether. In the social business world, your name can be leveraged as your personal identifier across myriad social media sites as well as your monetized business brand. 

In creating a new business or online presence, one of the toughest decisions you may make is whether to establish your social business brand by your personal name or a fictitious “DBA” identity, such as a catchy word, phrase, or slogan.

It’s hardly a trivial decision, especially considering your online identity eventually will sprout hundreds if not thousands of backlinks which will need to be well-tended if you decide to do a digital makeover at a later date.

Confused on what to do? Join the club. Do you drop whatever you are doing right now, rush over to GoDaddy, and immediately reserve your-personal-name-dot-whatever, or stake your branding claim on a hot potential digital DBA?

Luckily others have already been down this path. They can offer a variety of business perspectives and advice on the question of building a business brand based on a personal name vs. a domain that can grow and expand into a free-standing business that extends beyond the individual and might someday deliver a lucrative buyout offer that tracks with a business plan exit strategy.

From Startup to Digital Enterprise: DBA Scales

The biggest advantage to going DBA or brand versus your name is that the blog/brand/company can evolve into something much bigger and more valuable than one person’s perspective.

It can grow into a company, media outlet, etc., that can be monetized, bought, sold and so on. Mashable has grown into a powerful media outlet. It wouldn’t have done that if it were just its founder’s personal name, as an example.

The Business Persona and the Person

If you work for another business, you’ll have to consider the delicate balance of marketing your personal brand alongside your business.

I started out with a blog name that combined the industry and my own name (SEO and Smarty). I’ve certainly thought about the potential for a more topic-focused name over the last few years, but ultimately this started out as something for me, to explore my interests and help me learn, and I’ve been thoroughly happy with the way that it has worked out.

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What if your business fails? The hard facts are that, depending on the study, 50-60 percent of new businesses close in the first year; upwards of 80-90 percent go under within five years. You can dispense with a DBA given a few forms and some signatures. Not so easily done if your brand is your personal name and now a business liability.

From personal experience, it has always been important for my marketing strategy blog to be tied directly to my personal brand. I’ve launched several startups over the last 20 years and my work through the blog has really helped to build my personal brand through thought leadership and has resulted in continued trust with my community. As a result, every business I’ve developed has become a trusted resource, based on my personal brand and reputation.

People Buy from People

The social web offers a unique opportunity to humanize your brand and create a personal connection to customers. How do you create engagement and attachment to a logo? Be human.

Perhaps a morphed version of your personal name and a DBA is the digital sweet spot. If you’re still not sure which way to go, personal vs. DBA for your social business objectives, pay heed to this action list:

1. Lock Your Personal Name Now

Even if you never plan to use your personal name, it’s still prudent to reserve your domain just in case. Locking your personal name everywhere is also important for privacy and online identity. Read any of Hari Ravichandran’s books to get a better understanding of privacy issues these days. He has gone a long way in protecting his personal brand, so he knows what is talking about.

With an open or public profile, your personal information becomes easily accessible to anyone, potentially leading to identity theft, stalking, or misuse of your data. By locking your profile, you regain control over who can see your posts and interact with you, ensuring that only trusted individuals have access to your personal information. 

This precautionary measure helps maintain a safe and secure online presence while allowing you to enjoy social media without compromising your privacy.

2. Consider the SEO Implications

If your goal is to grow your personal brand name, register your domain name as well. Search rankings are enhanced if your real name matches your domain name. On a personal branding level, you have a greater ability to influence what people see when they search for your name. My personal site has long been neglected, and yet it still ranks for my name on top of my more actively maintained columns on more powerful domains. That’s the power of domains:

Additionally, a personal name domain is great for authors in pursuit of book deals and speaking gigs, even though it may not scale to an enterprise-level application. Who are we hiring?Your decision will rely on your plans for your future venture. It is a good idea to find a business name that has something in common with your personal brand. Namify is a great tool for that type of decision-making, and it has very cheap domains, so it is not going to be a huge investment.

It is also a good idea to research your niche associations and keywords when you come up with a business name because it needs to trigger topical connotations, so it’s not just your personal name it relies on. Your potential customers and leads need to quickly guess what your business is about by looking at your brand name or domain. Text Optimizer is a great tool for that:

Consider the Future

If you brand your business venture in your personal name, clients may expect to always work with you, not members of your team. 

Part of your job will be to continually sell trust in your associates. Bait-and-switch doesn’t work; you will have to show up at the table. This will reflect on your customer relationship-building strategy in a big way. When you try scaling it, using technology like AI chatbots or IVR, you will inevitably face an issue of your customers willing to talk to you personally because that’s exactly how they discovered your company. It will be exhausting down the road.

It’s All About the Balance

Over the course of a career, you may transition from a consultancy based on your personal brand to a full-time corporate job and then back to a solo business. You never know when an opportunity may completely change your career course. It’s important to create a plan for your personal marketing and make sure you’re in sync with your business or employer.

The consensus on personal name vs. DBA probably errs on the side if you can never have enough domains in your basket of brands. 

If you rely on your real name, you may never be able to sell your flagship site, but you will be able to leverage your personal identity to project the all-important “human” side to every new business venture you launch under your personal umbrella.

On the other hand, if you start with both (your personal brand and a matching business entity) and have the energy to develop both alongside each other, you may end up with a stronger presence and more visibility. That’s the route I once took and I have no regrets!

The post Striking the Right Balance Between Business Branding vs. Personal Branding appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

It’s Scary That You’re Missing These 5 Marketing Skills Mon, 31 Oct 2022 20:18:16 +0000 If you want your post to meet your ideal audience, then you have to post it when they are online and active.

The post It’s Scary That You’re Missing These 5 Marketing Skills appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

It's Scary That You Don't Have These 4 Marketing Skills

Some of the things you (or your clients) AREN’T doing … are so scary. Like really scary.

1. You NOT being on TikTok is scary.

TikTok now has over a BILLION monthly active users. Ages 20-29 make up 29.5%, ages 30-39 make up 16.4%, ages 40-49 make up 13.9%, and ages 50+ make up 7.1%.

Don’t tell us your avatar isn’t on TikTok, the numbers prove you wrong.

TikTok’s userbase is aging up as we speak, now is the time to get on! Even if you have to hire Gen Z to run your business’ TikTok (speaking of scary), your company NEEDS to be on TikTok.

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2. Your Lack of Email Marketing is SCARY

The myth that email marketing is dead is just like a haunted house, only real if you believe it, and a waste of your time.

No matter what you heard at the latest online summit you attended… Email Marketing is STILL alive and well—and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon! In fact, Email Marketing is the single best way to market your brand or business, increase revenue, and cash in on more conversions.

If you want to learn more about this check out Alex Cattoni’s latest article,

3. NOT Having Professional Headshots is Scary!

Headshots, and quality photos of yourself in general, is so important to your personal brand.

Your audience loves seeing photos of you, they make easy perfect content for social media graphics, and in general it just makes you look more professional and prepared! If you’re writing articles for any blog, we need headshots for your graphics.

Not just one headshot either if you’re going to be writing more than one blog, we need a PLETHORA. Different poses, different facial expressions, different outfits, we need variety.

4. Your Nonexistent Personal Brand is SCARY

If you’re trying to sell yourself as an expert in the field, you are your best testimonial! If you can’t sell yourself, how are you going to sell someone else?

This means having successful personal business accounts! If you’re saying you can help a company market themselves on social media, but you don’t have a personal account to send them as an example of how well it can go … how will they trust you?

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5. You Haven’t Started Working on Your Holiday Promotions Yet!

Get a grip! You need to have a Black Friday promotion for your company. Here’s just a few stats to prove our point:

  • Almost 60% of Black Friday 2021 purchases were impulse buys. (Source: Bluecore)
  • Average order values increased by 9% in 2021. (Source: Bluecore)
  • People aged 35-44 were most likely to partake in Black Friday (Source: Finder)
  • Less than 50% of retailers offered sitewide Black Friday discounts in 2021. (Source: Forrester)
  • Black Friday was the best day for furniture/bedding and tools/home improvement purchases. (Source: Adobe Digital Insights)
  • Black Friday weekend foot traffic was down 21.7% compared to 2019. (Source: Businesswire)

Black Friday (and all holiday sales throughout the fourth quarter) is the best time to gain awareness with new customers, get a big pay-day from existing customers, and end the year on a big note that will drive sales and marketing efforts for next year!

Don’t have banners? We have you covered! Download 190 Free Holiday Promo Canva Templates here.

So what are you waiting for? Maybe your first social media post, with your new headshots, can be fishing for testimonials? Make the most of your scary mistakes, three birds one stone! 

The post It’s Scary That You’re Missing These 5 Marketing Skills appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

3 Benefits of Building and Using a Personal Brand to Grow Your Business Fri, 23 Sep 2022 17:34:00 +0000 Personal branding isn't just for celebrities or rockstar entrepreneurs. Let me show you how it’s great for anyone who wants to grow their business.

The post 3 Benefits of Building and Using a Personal Brand to Grow Your Business appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Personal branding isn’t just for entrepreneurial rock stars that want to dance onto stage and hype up an audience with hopes, dreams, and unbelievable case studies.

You don’t have to command an audience like Tony Robbins, make complicated things seem simple like Ryan Deiss, or make buying businesses sound as easy as buying groceries like Roland Fraser.

You can just be you.

The personal brand that you build will not only make it easier to get new clients, but also help you grow your business in a way that you actually enjoy. It’s a win-win-win situation!

Creating a personal brand requires effort and consistency, but the payoffs are more than worth it.

I’m going to show you 3 of the top reasons why personal branding is essential for business growth and why you should start working on yours today.

If you’re not convinced yet, by the end of this post I think you will be. So let’s get started!

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Benefit #1. You Will Attract Clients You Love Working With

Can you imagine being surrounded by people who already like you and want to work with you?

Finding the right clients is like dating. (I know, I’m tired of that analogy too.)

Would you rather go on a date with someone who is clearly interested in you and makes an effort to get to know you OR would you rather go on a date with someone who is lukewarm and doesn’t seem that into you?

Of course, it’s much more fun and enjoyable to date someone who is clearly interested in you and makes an effort to get to know YOU. The same goes for finding clients.

When you have a personal brand, you will attract clients that you actually enjoy working with.

They will understand your language, your jokes, and what you’re all about. They will get a chance to know you and decide if they like (or don’t like) you before even reaching out to you.

So how do you attract the right clients?

Simple – be yourself.

There are a few things you can do to help you stay true to yourself and your personal brand.

  • Be authentic. Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. People can see right through it and they won’t trust you.
  • Stay consistent. This is one of the most important aspects of personal branding. You need to be consistent with your message, your tone, and how you present yourself.
  • Be YOURSELF! This is the most important thing of all. Be genuine, be honest, and be real. People will appreciate and respect you for it.

Benefit #2: Selling Gets Waaaaaaay Easier & Much Faster

Selling is hard.

It’s one of the things that we as entrepreneurs hate the most. We would much rather focus on the fun things – tinkering with our products, brainstorming new features, and talking to customers.

But the reality is, we need to sell in order to grow our businesses.

And personal branding makes selling a lot easier and shortens your sales cycle.

When you have a personal brand, people already know who you are and what you’re all about. They have an idea of what it would be like to work with you and they are more likely to reach out to you because they trust you.

Personal branding makes selling a lot easier because you don’t have to start from scratch trying to convince someone that they should hire you. You already have a foundation of trust that has been built up over time.

Here are a few things you can do to build know, like, and trust so selling is easier and faster.

  • Tell Your Story. Your personal brand story is what sets you apart from everyone else. It’s what makes you unique and interesting. Share it on social media and make sure to be authentic and consistent with your message.
  • Host events and webinars. Hosting events and webinars is a great way to connect with your audience and share your personal brand story. This gives people a chance to get to know you better and see what it’s like to work with you.
  • Write blog posts and articles. Writing blog posts and articles is a great way to share your personal brand story, expertise, and knowledge with the world. This will help you build credibility and trust with your audience.

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Benefit #3. You Will Attract More Employees That You Like

One of the benefits of having a personal brand is that you will attract more employees that you like. They will fit into the culture that you have created and they will be more likely to stick around for a longer period of time.

You get to decide what values and beliefs are important to you and your team and can get them invested in the mission that you have for your clients.

The culture that you create is important because it will determine how happy your employees are — and happy employees are more productive employees.

How do you use your personal brand to create a culture that your employees will love?

  • Just be yourself. The culture that you create should be a reflection of your personal brand and the values that are important to you.
  • Talk about your clients. Employees want to feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Talk about your clients and how they are using your products or services to make a difference in their lives.
  • Being authentic and genuine. Let them know what your personal goals are and why you started the company in the first place. Share your vision for the future and let them know how they can help you achieve it.

How Do You Create a Personal Brand?

Creating a personal brand is not about self-promotion or selling yourself.

  • It’s about creating a foundation of trust and credibility so people will want to work with you.
  • It’s about attracting the right employees that fit into the culture you have created.
  • And it’s about making selling easier so you can focus on what you’re good at – running your business.

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. Just focus on being authentic and genuine with your personal brand story and move forward with intention to create a strong personal brand.

The rest will fall into place — and you have a great community at DigitalMarketer you can lean on to help get advice to point you in the right direction. 

The post 3 Benefits of Building and Using a Personal Brand to Grow Your Business appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Building a Personal Brand in Web3 with Jeff J Hunter [VIDEO] Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:26:00 +0000 The two most important social media platforms in web3 are Twitter and LinkedIn. Listen as Jeff J Hunter, author of Zero to Hero Crypto Guide, tells you why!

The post Building a Personal Brand in Web3 with Jeff J Hunter [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


The two most important social media platforms in web3 are Twitter and LinkedIn. Listen as Jeff J Hunter, author of Zero to Hero Crypto Guide, tells you why!

Jeff J. Hunter is an author best known for VA Staffer, a 150-plus team virtual-assistant staffing agency. He helps entrepreneurs and startups build and scale remote teams to dominate their brand category and is the creator of the CORE Branding Method and host of the “Savage Marketer Podcast.”

Extra Resources:

What Marketers Need To Know About Web 3.0:

Episode 216: How Female Founders Can Disrupt The Future Of Marketing And Web3 With Lisa Buyer:

Episode 213: NFTs For Newbies And How Digital Marketers Can Take Advantage Of A Brand New Industry With Heather Parady And Rich Cardona:

The post Building a Personal Brand in Web3 with Jeff J Hunter [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

What’s in a Name? How to Find a Solid Brand Name (and Why Care) Tue, 14 Dec 2021 02:55:56 +0000 Finding a brand name used to be more straightforward: All you needed is to find a cool domain name, preferably containing your keyword. It's no longer that easy.

The post What’s in a Name? How to Find a Solid Brand Name (and Why Care) appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


When starting a new project, you inevitably face one fundamental challenge: How to name it.

Finding a brand name used to be more straightforward: All you needed is to find a cool domain name, preferably containing your keyword.

It is no longer that easy:

  • Most .com domains are taken: You’ll have trouble finding a domain name
  • Most social media usernames are taken as well. Even if you manage to find a cool domain name, how about claiming it on social media?
  • As businesses and projects go global, how to avoid negative associations around the world?
  • Finally, how about SEO? Should you care about keywords in your domain name to make it easier for your site to achieve higher rankings?

So how to choose a brand name and why care?

Why is Brand Name Important?

Your brand name is fundamental to your brand identity which is a set element that makes your product and value proposition memorable and hence trustworthy.

We all know the power of a brand in marketing but just as a reminder, here are a few numbers:

  • According to a research by Edelman, more than 80% of US consumers need to know a brand to buy products comfortably
  • Consistent branding is important for at least a third of surveyed consumers, according to research by LucidPress
  • A survey done by Accenture Strategy found that almost 66 percent of consumers think transparency is the most important quality in a brand

Finally, there are many more benefits of having a unique brand name:

  • It makes reputation monitoring easy (or even possible)
  • It helps Google recognize you as an entity and generate a knowledge panel for your branded searches
  • A recognized brand name helps your on-page engagement and conversion rates because consumers feel more comfortable clicking your links and browsing your site

Brand Name and SEO

Domain names used to have a huge impact on your organic visibility. In fact, choosing a well SEOed (i.e. keyword-driven) domain name was a sure-fire way to quickly rank in top 5 for those keywords.

These days it is no longer that easy or stratford.

Domain-level signals (i.e. name and age) are minimal, if those exist at all. 

Your domain name choice may have an indirect impact on your future SEO efforts though:

  • If it is easy to remember and reflects a meaning, it may generate more clicks from organic search snippets
  • If it triggers niche associations, it will help improve conversions
  • If it has a keyword, it may attract some backlinks with a semantically meaningful anchor text

With that in mind, it makes sense to spend some time researching your options and trying to find a domain name that would have some meaning while being short and easy to remember.

Here’s how you can do that:

How to Select a Brand Name

Run Brand Name Generators

There are quite a few domain name generators out there that use different methods to come up with original names. 

This business name generator, for example, specializes on premium domain names that often include core keywords. I always have luck finding a gem here:

For bloggers, there are a few cool generators that may suggest great names on a budget.

Search Text Optimizer

If you are running out of ideas, use Text Optimizer to find more keywords to run your searches. The tool will suggest underlying and related concepts to help you expand your domain search:

Search Google

If you have a few options in mind, always search Google for those (both as one word and separate words) to see if:

  • There are currently any big brands using that name
  • Google thinks that is a misspelling (this could take some time to shake off but it is still doable)

Search Urban Dictionary

Will your brand name or part of it trigger some tricky associations? Is there any slang associated with it? Urban Dictionary is a good place to check:

Survey your friends and followers

Creating a brand name is often about creating a new word. This means that your customers will have to learn and remember a new word which is much more than mapping a meaning to a sequence of sounds. 

Learning a new word involves a whole network of associations, which affect how we think and feel about that word.

Which associations will your new brand name create? How easy will it be to remember it and associate it with whatever it is you are doing? Try running a few social media polls to see what people think about your chosen names.

Do You Need Another Brand Name?

Finally, prior to making your final decision, give it one more thought: Do you really need a new brand or can you develop a new product under an existing one. 

Developing a new brand is hard work, and when it comes to building a business, focus and consistency are key. If there’s a possibility to keep everything under a single name without causing confusion, it may be the best way to go.


Remember your brand name will be everywhere: In Google search results, inside your knowledge panel (if you are lucky), on your lead magnets, on your logo and on your social media profiles. Take your choice very seriously!

Finding a great brand name is challenging but the good news that you will have to do it once! Spend some time exploring your options and ask your friends and followers for feedback before making your final decision!

Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the brand NINJA at Internet Marketing Ninjas as well as the founder of numerous startups including MyBlogGuest, MyBlogU, ViralContentBee, TwChat and many more.

Ann Smarty has been an online marketing consultant for 10 years providing high-quality digital marketing consulting through her services and courses (both free and paid).

Ann Smarty’s content marketing ideas have been featured in NYtimes, Mashable, Entrepreneur, Search Engine Land and many more. She is known for her indepth tool reviews, innovative content marketing advice and actionable digital marketing ideas.

The post What’s in a Name? How to Find a Solid Brand Name (and Why Care) appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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