Niche Marketing Archives - DigitalMarketer Tue, 14 May 2024 17:34:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Niche Marketing Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 Profit More, Work Less: 4 Steps to Niching Down For Your Agency Tue, 14 May 2024 17:34:27 +0000 Niche down your agency to increase profits and reduce workload effortlessly. Discover the step-by-step guide to defining your niche and scaling your business effectively.

The post Profit More, Work Less: 4 Steps to Niching Down For Your Agency appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Ever wonder what the most successful agencies did differently than everyone else?

Was it luck, skill, hard work, the industry they chose, or something else?

Through my consulting work at Revenue Boost, I’ve worked with and taught over 400+ agencies how to scale their business.

From this, I’ve seen consistent patterns & traits in the ones who grow effortlessly…

Versus the ones who stay stuck for years – no matter how hard they work.

One key difference in approach stuck out to me.

I’ll illustrate what this one difference was with a story.

Once upon a time…

Two marketers graduated from business school with big plans to start their own agency. 

Ready to conquer the world, they started cold calling, cold emailing, and doing everything under the sun to get clients.

And although they had the SAME levels of work ethic and talent…

One of them now has an 8-figure agency.

The other one of them is still freelancing odd jobs, barely making ends meet.

What did the successful one do differently?

He took a big risk and started turning down clients and projects.

Instead of offering everything to everyone, like most agency owners…

And being a jack of all trades but a master of none…

He decided only to serve Plumbers and be the best dang’ plumbing marketer on the planet.

With a goal to make their pipeline fuller than a broken toilet pipe.

He mastered the art of niching down and realized it would be easier to be the biggest fish in a small pond.

And you should too – and in this article, you’ll learn exactly how to define your own niche.

Now it may seem scary to turn down clients…and it may feel like you’re limiting yourself by focusing on only one client-type.

But it’s exactly the opposite. You’re actually limiting yourself by being everything for everybody.

Niching Down Can Help 2x-3x Your Revenues

One of my clients Lauren ran a digital agency offering everything under the sun.

Social media, paid ads, web dev, SEO, and she offered it to clients from many different industries.

Because of this, her agency stayed stuck at $25,000 a month and she couldn’t break through.

On top of that, she and her team worked so much harder than they had to and operations were messy.

Every client needed different things, required customization, and nothing was standardized.

We sat together to audit all her past clients, and we found that Medical practices were her best clients.

They were easy to sell, stayed the longest, and gave her the least amount of headaches and complaints.

So, she changed her entire business model to ONLY service this industry.

Then, she developed a standardized offer for that industry, rather than customizing everything.

One offer, to one target market. Afterwards, she started cold emailing businesses in her niche with her new offer.

The Results?

 She 2X’d her revenues and grew to $52,000 in monthly revenue in not even four months time.

All from making one simple shift. One decision that can make everything easier, and you can do the same.

See, most agency owners and marketers start out with one or two clients, and then they get referred new clients from various industries.

Before they know it, they’re marketing everything for everyone and have NO idea who their ideal client is.

The Problem with Running a Business This Way Is That It Becomes Impossible to Scale.

Every single new client requires a ton of research, thought, and brainpower.

Because each new client has different needs, it leads to having no standardized processes and systems.

Which keeps the founder stuck in the business and unable to hire a team.

The other problem that arises is acquisition.

There are hundreds of thousands of agencies on the planet, and it’s really hard to stand out.

UNLESS you specialize.

When you specialize in a niche – let’s say, SEO for plumbers…

Then you aren’t competing with every other agency on the planet. You don’t look and sound just like them anymore.

Now, you’ve created your own tiny pond in which you can be a big fish.

There are way fewer agencies that specialize in plumbers or SEO, let alone both. So, you’ve eliminated the competition with one decision.

If a plumber was looking at two agencies – one that was a general digital agency and one that specializes in helping plumbers…

They almost always choose the agency that specializes in their industry and has testimonials from people just like them.

Not to mention, it’s easier to market when you have a clear niche in mind.

You know who you’re writing your content for…

You know who to send emails and social media DMs too…

You know exactly who to target in your ads….

You know what podcasts you should get booked on

And so on and so on.

Plus, you can charge whatever prices you want. Because you aren’t compared to the hundreds of thousands of agencies out there – you have a unique offer now.

Committing to one niche makes marketing easier, it makes selling easier, and it makes scaling easier.

You only have to be good at doing 1 thing for 1 person, and you can build systems and processes around it. This way, you can hire a team to take it over and be able to work less.

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Now how do you do it? What if you don’t know who your ideal client is?

Step 1: Audit Your Current + Past Client List.

Write down every single client you’ve ever served, and group them by niche. Industry, location, size and so on.

Once you group them together, one niche might stick out for you already as your favorite type of client.

If it doesn’t, use my 7-Point checklist and rank each niche on a 1-5 scale.

These 7 criteria points are what makes a great niche.

#1 – Total Addressable Market:

How many businesses are in this market? Is it large enough to support your bigger goals? Is the market shrinking or growing? Make sure the niche is big enough for you and that it’s not declining.

#2 – Purchasing Power

Is this market (or at least a segment of it) able to afford what you want to charge?

Think back to if you’ve received a lot of pricing objections when you’ve sold to these people in the past.

#3 – Lifetime Value

How long did these clients stay? Were they one-and-done projects or did they stay with me for eternity?

The bigger the life-time value, the more money and time you can spend to acquire a client.

If the niche typically churns in a few months or only works with you for quick, one-off projects…

Then you’ll have to spend so much energy on sales and marketing to keep the business alive.

#4 – Strong Need & Pain

Does this market have an important problem to solve, one that they have to fix? Or, is what you sell just a “nice to have”?

If the latter, it’s going to be very hard to get clients.

If they can’t live without your solution, then getting clients will be a breeze.

#5 – Desire to Solve that Pain

It’s one thing for a market to have a problem, but they must also have a desire to solve that problem.

Even if they have the need that you fulfill, that’s not enough – they also have to care about fulfilling that need.

#6 – Easy to Reach

Is the market fairly easy to find online? Can you reach them via most advertising platforms and social channels? Are their groups and communities online?

If you’re targeting businesses that are hard to reach online, you’re creating one extra barrier to your success.

Step 2: Choose 1 Niche After Ranking Each of Your Past Clients.

Tally up all the rankings and pick the 1 with the highest score.

Don’t worry about making the wrong decision.

Consider this an experiment.

You aren’t married to your new niche, you can always change back in a few months if it doesn’t work out.

Step 3: Create a Pre-Packaged Offer for Your New Niche

The whole point of niching down is to create more focus and simplicity in your business

Part of this is about WHO you sell, part of this is about WHAT you sell them.

Start out by choosing 1 problem to solve for them, and 1 solution to that problem.

List out what the deliverables will be and what you want to charge.

Keep it simple! You can build upon this later.

Step 4: Test the Waters and Go Land 5 New Clients.

Before you make any drastic changes to your business, such as letting go of clients, changing your branding and website…

Test the waters first, and verify if this new niche is the direction you want to go.

Go land another 5 clients or so, and that’ll be enough to identify if these are really our ideal clients or not.

You might think they are at first but you’ll know for sure once you serve more of them.

Wrapping Up…

You know now the problems of being a jack-of-all-trades with no clear focus.

Every new client is a ton of work and requires customization…

And getting new clients is difficult because there’s nothing that stands out about your agency. You’ll look and sound like everyone else.

This means when you do niche down, and sell 1 offer to 1 target market…

Your workload will decrease. Each new client will be easier to serve than the previous one.

You’ll become world-class at helping your clients from all the focused repetition

You’ll quickly develop a reputation and become a big fish in a small pond.

In every way, it’ll become easier to grow, scale, attract, and retain clients.

Plus, you’ll have more fun and the business will be simpler & easier to run.

And with this knowledge…

You’ve learned the 5 simple steps to niching down.


Time to get to work!

Put this into practice and watch it transform your business.

The post Profit More, Work Less: 4 Steps to Niching Down For Your Agency appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Unveiling the Secrets of Brand Mastery Wed, 14 Feb 2024 21:09:38 +0000 On your journey of brand building, the foundation is your brand story. It's more than a narrative; it's
the soul of your brand, echoing through every product, service, campaign, and every customer

The post Unveiling the Secrets of Brand Mastery appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


The Brand Revolution Begins Here

Imagine if a single shift in your approach could revolutionize your brand’s impact. That’s the power of
a meticulously crafted brand strategy. I’m Adrian Boysel, and over the last 17 years, I’ve mastered the
art of brand storytelling, transforming businesses into iconic brands.

In this article, I’ll share insights from my own playbook and reveal how a well-honed brand strategy
can elevate your business from the crowd. You’re not just building a brand; you’re igniting a legacy.
So let’s unravel the secrets to making your brand truly unforgettable.

On your journey of brand building, the foundation is your brand story. It’s more than a narrative; it’s
the soul of your brand, echoing through every product, service, campaign, and every customer

It’s about forging an emotional connection with your audience overtime that creates what I call “Blind
Brand Loyalty”. My Purpose Driven Branding Blueprint does exactly that. We dive into the depths of
your brand’s story, exploring its ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’, turning your brand into a living, breathing

If you are feeling invisible and want to bring your brand’s story to life, consider these three tips: First,
clearly articulate ‘Why’ your brand exists, focusing on the passion and purpose behind your business
idea. Next, define ‘What’ your brand offers, not just in terms of products or services, but in the value
and solutions provided to customers.

Lastly, delve into ‘How’ your brand delivers its promise. This involves outlining the unique processes,
techniques, or approaches that set your brand apart.

As we dive deeper into this article my goal is to take you on a journey and help you lay the foundation
for what will impact not just your own brand but the brands of your clients. I can attribute this process
and the success of my 5000+ past clients, whom I’ve helped generate over $100 Million for since

Next we are going to cover the “Niche” pillar of your brand, and then finally the Identity pillar. Once
you understand these pillars you will never be able to look at brand strategy or even marketing the
same way again. So let’s jump in and talk about your Niche.

Defining Your Brand’s Niche: Precision in Your Audience Targeting

So, you’ve crafted a compelling brand story, but what’s next? How do you ensure that your brand
doesn’t just speak, but resonates deeply with the right audience? This is where the art of defining
your niche comes into play. It’s about zeroing in on that specific market segment where your brand
doesn’t just serve, but truly connects and thrives.

Identifying your niche means understanding who your audience is, recognizing their needs, and
critically, pinpointing who they are not. This stage isn’t just about market analysis; it’s about carving
out your unique space in the vast expanse of the marketplace.

Who Your Audience Is: Begin by painting a detailed picture of your ideal customer. This is more than just demographics; it’s about understanding their lifestyle, preferences, challenges, and aspirations.

Consider factors like age, gender, income level, education, occupation, but also delve into their hobbies, values, and the social causes they care about. Creating detailed buyer personas at this stage will guide all your future marketing and branding efforts.

A helpful tip for you when it comes to nailing down your audience is the Digital Marketer Content Certification, it contains one of the best trainings on what they call the “Client Avatar Canvas”, I highly
recommend you learn that method as it goes in depth into the demographics, psychographics, wants,
needs, and fears.

Understanding and mapping out the before and after state of your dream customer is where most brands fall short, so make sure you don’t miss this critical step in the process.

Understanding Their Needs: Every successful brand addresses a specific need or desire in the market. What is the unique problem your brand solves? How does it improve your customers’ lives? Understanding these needs isn’t just about the practical aspects of your product or service but also about the emotional outcomes your customers are seeking.

I challenge you to go 7 layers deep into their tangible needs, not just surface level stuff like “Get more leads, get more traffic, or make more sales.”

Think about questions that will take them deeper into what’s driving their behaviors, is a lack of systems, understanding on how business works, or how to communicate in a way that makes people move towards the decision or outcome they want.

Defining Who They Are Not: Equally important is identifying who your audience is not. This helps in ensuring that your marketing efforts are not diluted and are laser-focused on those who will most likely engage with and benefit from your brand.

It’s about exclusion where necessary, to maintain the purity of your brand’s focus and message. Some of the most famous people, and brands would have become obsolete if not for creating content that repelled the type of people that you don’t want to work with.

One of the best examples of that is the brand Lion’s Not Sheep by Sean Whalen. He has been unapologetic in speaking about his political, philosophical, and spiritual, and societal beliefs.

His 7 figure a month clothing brand would not be what it is today if it had not made thousands if not
hundreds of thousands of people during the pandemic upset, Sean’s brand and business grew more from repelling people, getting them to tell people about it, than it did from attracting his dream customers, think about your opposition when you are planning your brand messaging strategy.

To effectively define your brand’s niche, consider these tips:

  • Conduct Market Research: Utilize surveys, focus groups, and market analysis to gather data about your potential customers and their preferences.
  • Analyze Competitors: Look at how competitors in your space define their audience. Identify gaps or areas they might be overlooking that your brand could capitalize on.
  • Align with Your Brand Story: Ensure that your niche aligns seamlessly with your brand’s story and values. Your niche should feel like a natural extension of your brand narrative.
  • Be Flexible: As your brand grows and evolves, be open to redefining or expanding your niche. Stay agile and attuned to market changes and customer feedback. Remember you’re in the business or serving others, being able to know what your market’s pains and challenges are is essential.

By clearly defining your niche, you lay the foundation for targeted and effective branding and marketing strategies. This clarity allows you to create messages, products, and experiences that speak directly to the heart of your audience, making your brand not just seen, but truly understood and appreciated.

Identifying Your Brand’s Archetype

A crucial aspect of crafting a resonant brand identity is identifying your brand’s archetype, it’s a practice I’ve used for nearly 5 years that has single handedly transformed my impact in the marketplace, providing more clarity, and consistency in my marketing messages.

Archetypes are universally recognized themes or characters that resonate deeply with human psychology. They provide a framework for your brand’s personality, shaping how it connects with your audience on an emotional level.

Your primary brand archetype is the main character your brand embodies. It could be the Caregiver, striving to nurture and protect; the Creator, driven to innovate; the Hero, overcoming challenges; or any other archetype that aligns with your brand’s core values and mission. This primary archetype sets the tone for your brand’s narrative, messaging, and interactions with your audience.

In addition to the primary archetype, consider a secondary archetype that complements and adds depth to your brand’s character. This secondary archetype supports and enriches the primary one, offering a more nuanced and multifaceted brand personality. For instance, a primary Creator archetype could be complemented by the Explorer, constantly seeking new ideas and inspiration.

To determine your brand’s archetypes, start by reflecting on your brand’s mission, values, and the emotional connections you wish to establish with your audience.

Consider the following:

  • Assess Your Brand’s Core Values: What are the fundamental beliefs and principles that drive your brand? Align these with the traits of various archetypes to find a suitable match.
  • Understand Your Audience’s Aspirations: What does your target audience aspire to or admire? Choose an archetype that embodies these aspirations to create a deeper connection.
  • Analyze Your Brand’s Storytelling: Look at your brand’s storytelling style. Is it more adventurous, nurturing, rebellious, or wise? This can guide you toward a fitting archetype.
  • Experiment with Combinations: Mix and match primary and secondary archetypes to find a combination that uniquely represents your brand while resonating with your audience.
  • Consistency Across Touchpoints: Ensure that your chosen archetypes are consistently reflected across all brand touchpoints, from marketing materials to customer service.

Identifying your brand’s archetypes is not just about adopting a character; it’s about infusing your brand with a personality that captivates and connects. It’s a journey to discover the heart and soul of your brand’s story, creating a narrative that resonates with your audience on a profound level.

Through this process, you’ll craft a brand identity that’s not only memorable but also emotionally engaging, driving loyalty and affinity among your customers.

Your Mission Matters More Than You Realize

Let’s delve into the essence of your mission statement and the pivotal role it plays in your brand’s culture. Think of your mission statement as the pulsing heart of your brand – a succinct yet powerful proclamation of your brand’s purpose and direction. It’s not just a statement; it’s a rallying cry that unites your customers and team, fueling their passion and advocacy for the vision you’ve set forth.

The process of crafting this statement is more than mere wordplay; it’s a deep dive into the core of
your brand, capturing its aspirations and reason for being. A well-crafted mission statement is your brand’s guiding star, illuminating the path for every decision and action, ensuring they all lead back to what your brand truly stands for.

Start by reflecting on the core objectives of your brand. What change does your brand seek to create? What are its aspirations? This should not just be about the products or services but the broader impact your brand aims to have on its customers and the world.

Consider the emotional and inspirational elements of your brand. A mission statement should resonate emotionally with your audience, inspiring them to connect with your brand’s journey. It should be a beacon that guides every business decision and customer interaction.

Keep your mission statement clear and concise. It should be easily understandable, memorable, and powerful enough to evoke a sense of purpose both within your team and amongst your audience.

Steps for Crafting Your Mission Statement:

  • Reflect on Your Brand’s Purpose: Delve deep into why your brand exists beyond making a profit. This could be about making a difference, solving a specific problem, or offering an exceptional experience.
  • Incorporate Your Unique Value Proposition: Highlight what sets your brand apart. What unique benefits does your brand offer? How does it improve the lives of your customers?
  • Seek Feedback: Once you draft your mission statement, get feedback from team members, trusted clients, or mentors. This can provide valuable insights and perspectives that might refine and strengthen your statement.

Solidifying Your Brand’s Identity: The Power of Core Values

Have you ever wondered what truly anchors a brand in the minds and hearts of its audience? It’s the core values. These foundational beliefs and guiding principles are more than just words on a page; they are the essence of your brand’s identity, shaping every interaction and decision.

Your brand’s core values act as the steadfast pillars supporting its mission, ensuring consistency and integrity in all aspects of your business, from internal culture to customer engagement.

These core values serve as a compass, guiding your brand’s journey and ensuring that every step taken aligns with the fundamental principles you stand for. They are the commitments that breathe life into your brand, making it relatable, trustworthy, and authentic in the eyes of your audience.

Define values that truly resonate with the essence of your brand. They should be more than just words; they should be commitments that are lived out in every aspect of your business, from internal culture to customer interactions.

Ensure that your core values are evident and consistent in all your brand’s touchpoints. This consistency fosters trust and credibility among your audience.

Steps for Defining Your Core Values:

  • Identify Key Beliefs and Principles: Consider the beliefs and principles that are non-negotiable for your brand. These could range from quality and innovation to sustainability and community involvement.
  • Reflect on Your Brand’s Personality and Culture: Your values should mirror the personality of your brand and the culture you want to cultivate within your organization.
  • Involve Your Team: Include your team in the process of defining these values. This ensures a more comprehensive and inclusive perspective and fosters a stronger commitment to these values.
  • Communicate and Demonstrate Your Values: Once defined, communicate your core values clearly to your audience. More importantly, demonstrate them through your actions, decisions, and how you run your business.

Bringing Your Brand’s Identity to Life

Your brand’s blueprint is a tapestry woven from your story, niche, and your identity. It’s a comprehensive narrative that defines who you are, what you stand for, and how you engage with the world.

Remember, your brand’s identity is dynamic, evolving as your business grows and the market changes. Regularly revisit and refine these elements to ensure they stay relevant and true to your brand’s journey.

As we conclude this journey, I invite you to delve deeper into the art of brand building. Join me in a comprehensive journey where we fine-tune these elements, crafting an identity that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with your audience.

‘A great brand is a story that never stops unfolding.’ -Adrian Boysel”

The post Unveiling the Secrets of Brand Mastery appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:46:59 +0000 Discover the untapped potential of Reddit in 2024 for brand awareness and reputation management.

The post Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


First, think of how vast the internet is, and how impossible it is to reach every crack, corner, and crevice.

Now, imagine a place where millions of people endlessly sift through this vastness, promoting what’s worthy of the front page and removing what’s rubbish.

That’s Reddit.

If you’ve spent only a few minutes redditting, you may be thinking it’s a place for cute cats and ridiculous memes…

However, Reddit is also a place for the president, for customer support, and just about anything else you can imagine. Reddit pulls at least two billion unique visitors a month and normally powers thousands of active communities per day, ranging from science, music, and politics to specialties like tech support and homebrewing.

If you are not paying attention to your niche subreddits, you don’t know your audience.

But there is more to Reddit than its own huge audience you need to be listening to. Reddit is getting a huge visibility in Google’s organic search.

Reddit is becoming an inevitable part of just about any buying journey. Just about any brand triggers [PRODUCT/BRAND NAME REDDIT] suggestion in Google’s Autocomplete results:

[Reddit] comes up in many brand-driven Google’s Autocomplete suggestions prompting consumers to search it even if they didn’t initially intend to.

There’s also a new SERP feature for Reddit called “Discussions and forums”:

Not being on Reddit means missing this huge organic search opportunity and failing to control this narrative.

Four More Reasons to Use Reddit for Digital Marketing

1. User-testing and New Product Feedback

Do you have a new website or product coming out soon? Is there anything in the beta stage? 

Reddit is a great place to get quality (and free) feedback.

Continuing from the previous example, find the proper subreddit relevant to your business. Make sure you are operating within the subreddit rules and guidelines before submitting anything. If you’re unsure, consult one of the moderators by sending them a private message.

Here’s an example:

Further down the comment section, we see real feedback:

Boom! Redditors are happy to help each other in more niche subreddits – pretty cool right?

2.  Extend Customer Service Reach

In the same vein, we can extend our customer service efforts by researching threads where our business or product is mentioned.

Be optimistic – sometimes Redditors are complimenting your service! Find them, thank them, and contribute to the positivity. This ties into increasing brand reputation as well.

A word of caution: do not jump head-first into the comment sections, especially if you’re representing a company. Instead, get your feet wet by observing how people talk about brands and how a representative responds. 

Practice reddiquette (which is often different from subreddit to subreddit) and combine this with your observations. There are many stereotypes about redditors, but these only apply to the masses. 

When you’re in a niche subreddit it’s much easier to identify the tone of voice and sentimental atmosphere. Plus, we’re able to target potential customers who have already expressed interest in our industry.

3. Community Building

Creating a subreddit (a sub-community) is practical for many reasons. We can create private subreddits for an internal office team or an exclusive community for your clients. Public subreddits allow anyone to view content and comment if you allow it.

With an active subreddit, businesses can provide useful information (such as resources, advice, guides, and feedback) to current and new customers. Expect to see a detailed post on creating and maximizing a subreddit from me in the future.

4. Increasing Awareness

While not every business will adopt a whale and host a naming contest, Reddit is a vast opportunity mine.

Take note of which content gets upvoted the most and ask your team, “Can we do something like this?” If the answer is yes, go for it.

There’s even a subreddit for small businesses where you are allowed to promote your business.

Step 1: Start Monitoring Reddit

Products and brands are being talked about in every corner of the internet. Identifying all of these mentions is a pretty simple process; it just takes a bit of time to set up.

Reddit is an excellent medium for providing current social monitoring tactics to aid in brand management and data collection.

I constantly see social media marketers saying they don’t “get” Reddit. They always say it’s too confusing or a place all businesses should avoid. If you call yourself a social media marketer and you don’t at least acknowledge the value of subreddits, you’re doing something wrong. It’s one of the top 50 websites in the world. The branding, social monitoring, and community benefits are undeniable.

Reddit is a medium that doesn’t have everything spelled out. So, some users give up easily after having a bad experience which could have been avoided if they had invested enough time to learn the social norms and history of the platform. By dismissing the platform, they’re dismissing target audience groups that are:

  • already bunched together
  • already talking about relevant industry topics
  • asking questions YOU know the answer to

There are inside jokes, thematic content (i.e.; weekly contests), in-depth quality discussions, beginners looking for help, and much more. A local business – a plumber or an HVAC, for example – can be incredibly useful on subreddits. It’s an extension of customer service.

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The challenge: Social media marketers and business owners need to be flexible when experimenting with new platforms. Becoming a community member in a subreddit is the perfect way to get started. It’s such a simple concept but it gets twisted when you try to approach it from a traditional marketing perspective.

The benefits of being a contributing member include being able to extract social data, learning more about potential customers, the market, the interests, and demographics, and once you’ve gotten your fill, putting it all together in an accepted form of advertising. Or a contest. Or a game. 

Every subreddit is different.

Take advantage of free tools. Here are some useful options:

  • Google Alerts and Search Operators + Google Sheets/Excel
  • Buzzsumo Alerts

Start off by opening up your preferred spreadsheet program. I recommend Google Sheets because it’s free and in the cloud, but Excel is also fine.

Let’s say your business is a homebrewing supply store – a local business with a large enough operation to handle online orders.

Run searches using “keywords” in Google. Record each thread link on Reddit that you can contribute to, such as offering expertise, solving a problem, asking your own questions, or being a part of an event/evolving discussion. Then make a column to keep track of which threads you haven’t responded to yet. For more collaboration capabilities, consider using tools like Slack to make Reddit marketing a cross-marketing strategy.

The tools you can use are:

  • Google Alerts
  • Buzzsumo

Here’s a screenshot of creating a new alert using Buzzsumo:

Step 2: Create a Brand-Driven Subreddit

Owning a subreddit is your first step to owning a brand-driven narrative. Luckily anyone can create and moderate a subreddit.

If your customers are going to discuss your product on Reddit, they’d better do it in a space you can control.

Here comes the SERP management benefit of that: This should help you control [your product name+Reddit] results better. Some brands are doing that very well, e.g.:

Comcast-driven search triggers “Reddit” suggestion at #2.

As a result, Comcast owns those search results thanks to their official subreddits:

Controlling your brand-driven SERPs is the only way to ensure your customers will end up buying from you. It is your ultimate digital business card.

Additionally, they also successfully show up in Google’s AI snapshot (SGE) answer:

That’s your goal.

It takes time and effort to maintain a quality subreddit but your customer support team will likely enjoy it because it has a rewarding community-building aspect to it.

Make sure you set up your GA4 correctly to be able to measure the traffic from your new subreddit.

Step 3: Participate Outside of Your Subreddit

After you do some thorough reddit monitoring, set up your brand-driven subreddit and learn to talk to your customers in that space, you can start participating outside of it, in other relevant subreddits.

Reply to questions, make comments, and be genuinely active. Consider hosting an AMA (“Ask me anything”) to tell your story, use Reddit for content brainstorming, and learn more about your target audience.

Reddit is great for link building once you get a feel of it and understand what your niche reporters and bloggers are looking for when monitoring Reddit. It is great for competitors’ evaluation, product gap analysis, email marketing strategy and so much more. Stop ignoring Reddit as a marketing tool but approach it with care.


We have been doing all kinds of Reddit analysis and strategy implementation for clients. We managed to control [brand name reddit] search results within 2 months of setting a brand-driven subreddit. For another client, our Reddit-driven viral marketing campaign brought in hundreds of clicks, links and shares, as well as positioned it as a trending search in Google:

Our client was a brand-new startup that barely produced any results for brand-driven searches. Google associated our client’s brand name with the biggest brands in the industry within a week of the Reddit-driven marketing campaign. This is the strongest signal you can build.

Reddit is one the most powerful tools you can use for brand awareness and beyond!

The post Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
